Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Gung Ho Essay Example

Gung Ho Essay Example Gung Ho Essay Gung Ho Essay In the movie Gung Ho, a Japanese corporation reopens an American car factory; however, working side-by-side is harder than expected due to differences in culture. Differences in the workers levels of collectivism and individualism negatively influence the working relationships by creating conflict, lowering employee performance and satisfaction, and lowering organizational commitment. The Japanese workers expected American workers to conform to their ways and value the corporation over themselves. However, American workers expected their daily routines to be the same as they were before the factory closed. At first, there was slight tension when American workers hesitated to perform team-building exercises before starting work. Conflict rose as American workers were told to do their jobs differently, not to listen to music, and not to smoke cigars. Employee performance, satisfaction, and organizational commitment are usually lower when individual and organizational values do not align. This is certainly depicted in the movie when an American worker receives a demotion due to a defect in the car he made. The worker says that every car cannot be perfect and it is the dealer’s problem. The Japanese disagree with him and explain that a Japanese worker will work all night, without pay, in order to fix a problem because he is loyal to the company. This concept is foreign to individualistic American workers because working for the good of the company is a collectivist value. One American worker suggests implementing an incentive program. This is more likely to motivate an individualistic American worker because the reward will benefit him personally. :

Friday, November 22, 2019

Written English - Definition and Examples

Written English s Written English is the way in which the English language is transmitted through a conventional system of graphic signs (or letters). Compare to spoken English. The earliest forms of written English were primarily the translations of Latin works into English in the ninth century. Not until the late fourteenth century (that is, the late Middle English period) did a standard form of written English begin to emerge. According to Marilyn Corrie in The Oxford History of English (2006), written English has been characterized by relative stability during the Modern English period. See also: WritingAlphabetColloquializationFormal Style and Informal StyleKey Events in the History of the English LanguageLiteracyPresent-Day English (PDE)SpellingStandard EnglishWhat Is Standard English?What Is Writing? Early Written English [T]he vast majority of books and manuscripts produced in England before the invention of printing were written in Latin or (in later times) French. Administrative documents were not written in English in any number until the fourteenth century. The story of early written English is one of a local vernacular language struggling to achieve a distinct visual identity and written usage.(David Graddol et al., English: History, Diversity, and Change. Routledge, 1996)[A] new standard form of written English, this time based on the usage of London, began to emerge from the fifteenth century onwards. This was generally adopted by the early printers, who in turn provided a norm for private usage from the sixteenth century onwards.(Jeremy J. Smith, Essentials of Early English. Routledge, 1999) Recording Functions of Written English The history of writing in the English-speaking world reveals a balancing act between competing recording functions of the written word. While written English has always had a role in creating durable records that were never intended to be read aloud, the oral side of writing has been far more important than we tend to realize. Through most of the languages history, an essential function of writing has been to aid in subsequent representation of spoken words. Overwhelmingly, those spoken words have been formal in characterdrama, poetry, sermons, public speeches. ( . . . [B]eginning in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, writing developed a new set of quintessentially written functions with the emergence of newspapers and novels.)In the latter part of the twentieth century, a new twist was added, as writing increasingly came to represent informal speech. This time, there was no intention of later rendering such texts aloud. Gradually, we learned to write as we spoke (rather than preparing to speak as we wrote). As a result weve generally blurred older assumptions that speech and writing are two distinct forms of communication. Nowhere has this muddying of boundaries been more apparent than in the case of email.(Naomi S. Baron, Alphabet to Email: How Written English Evolved and Where Its Heading. Routledge, 2000) Writing and Speech When writing developed, it was derived from and represented speech, albeit imperfectly . . ..To affirm the primacy of speech over writing is not, however, to disparage the latter. If speaking makes us human, writing makes us civilized. Writing has some advantages over speech. For example, it is more permanent, thus making possible the records that any civilization must have. Writing is also capable of easily making some distinctions that speech can make only with difficulty. We can, for example, indicate certain types of pauses more clearly by the spaces that we leave between words when we write than we ordinarily are able to do when we speak. Grade A may well be heard as gray day, but there is no mistaking the one phrase for the other in writing.(John Algeo and Thomas Pyles, The Origins and Development of the English Language, 5th ed. Thomson Wadsworth, 2005) Standard Written English Standard or standardized written English (SWE). Its alive and well in our culture, but what does it mean? Many varieties of English get into print in various contexts, but standard doesnt refer to all of themnot even to everything published in mainstream books and magazines. It refers only to one slice of mainstream writingbut an incredibly important and powerful slice: the slice that people happen to call correct edited written English. When people champion Standard Written English, they sometimes call it proper or correct or literate writing. . . . [I]ts a language that is found only on paperand only in the texts of certain established writers, and its rules are in grammar books. So again: standardized written English (or prescriptive written English) is no ones mother tongue.(Peter Elbow, Vernacular Eloquence: What Speech Can Bring to Writing. Oxford Univ. Press, 2012)Unlike most other kinds of English, standard written English is strongly codified. That is, there is almost total agreement as to which forms and usages form part of it and which do not. . . .Mastery of standard written English is a requirement for many professions, and it is highly desirable in many others. But nobody comes naturally equipped with this mastery. Standard written English has to be acquired, usually by formal education. Sadly, however, in recent years schools in most English-speaking countries have pulled back from teaching this material. As a result, even university graduates with good degrees often find themselves with a command of standard English that is at best inadequate and at worst distressing. This is not a trivial problem, since a poor command of the conventions of standard English will often make a very bad impression on those who must read your writing.(Robert Lawrence Trask, Say What You Mean!: A Troubleshooters Guide to English Style and Usage. David R. Godine, 2005)

Written English - Definition and Examples

Written English s Written English is the way in which the English language is transmitted through a conventional system of graphic signs (or letters). Compare to spoken English. The earliest forms of written English were primarily the translations of Latin works into English in the ninth century. Not until the late fourteenth century (that is, the late Middle English period) did a standard form of written English begin to emerge. According to Marilyn Corrie in The Oxford History of English (2006), written English has been characterized by relative stability during the Modern English period. See also: WritingAlphabetColloquializationFormal Style and Informal StyleKey Events in the History of the English LanguageLiteracyPresent-Day English (PDE)SpellingStandard EnglishWhat Is Standard English?What Is Writing? Early Written English [T]he vast majority of books and manuscripts produced in England before the invention of printing were written in Latin or (in later times) French. Administrative documents were not written in English in any number until the fourteenth century. The story of early written English is one of a local vernacular language struggling to achieve a distinct visual identity and written usage.(David Graddol et al., English: History, Diversity, and Change. Routledge, 1996)[A] new standard form of written English, this time based on the usage of London, began to emerge from the fifteenth century onwards. This was generally adopted by the early printers, who in turn provided a norm for private usage from the sixteenth century onwards.(Jeremy J. Smith, Essentials of Early English. Routledge, 1999) Recording Functions of Written English The history of writing in the English-speaking world reveals a balancing act between competing recording functions of the written word. While written English has always had a role in creating durable records that were never intended to be read aloud, the oral side of writing has been far more important than we tend to realize. Through most of the languages history, an essential function of writing has been to aid in subsequent representation of spoken words. Overwhelmingly, those spoken words have been formal in characterdrama, poetry, sermons, public speeches. ( . . . [B]eginning in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, writing developed a new set of quintessentially written functions with the emergence of newspapers and novels.)In the latter part of the twentieth century, a new twist was added, as writing increasingly came to represent informal speech. This time, there was no intention of later rendering such texts aloud. Gradually, we learned to write as we spoke (rather than preparing to speak as we wrote). As a result weve generally blurred older assumptions that speech and writing are two distinct forms of communication. Nowhere has this muddying of boundaries been more apparent than in the case of email.(Naomi S. Baron, Alphabet to Email: How Written English Evolved and Where Its Heading. Routledge, 2000) Writing and Speech When writing developed, it was derived from and represented speech, albeit imperfectly . . ..To affirm the primacy of speech over writing is not, however, to disparage the latter. If speaking makes us human, writing makes us civilized. Writing has some advantages over speech. For example, it is more permanent, thus making possible the records that any civilization must have. Writing is also capable of easily making some distinctions that speech can make only with difficulty. We can, for example, indicate certain types of pauses more clearly by the spaces that we leave between words when we write than we ordinarily are able to do when we speak. Grade A may well be heard as gray day, but there is no mistaking the one phrase for the other in writing.(John Algeo and Thomas Pyles, The Origins and Development of the English Language, 5th ed. Thomson Wadsworth, 2005) Standard Written English Standard or standardized written English (SWE). Its alive and well in our culture, but what does it mean? Many varieties of English get into print in various contexts, but standard doesnt refer to all of themnot even to everything published in mainstream books and magazines. It refers only to one slice of mainstream writingbut an incredibly important and powerful slice: the slice that people happen to call correct edited written English. When people champion Standard Written English, they sometimes call it proper or correct or literate writing. . . . [I]ts a language that is found only on paperand only in the texts of certain established writers, and its rules are in grammar books. So again: standardized written English (or prescriptive written English) is no ones mother tongue.(Peter Elbow, Vernacular Eloquence: What Speech Can Bring to Writing. Oxford Univ. Press, 2012)Unlike most other kinds of English, standard written English is strongly codified. That is, there is almost total agreement as to which forms and usages form part of it and which do not. . . .Mastery of standard written English is a requirement for many professions, and it is highly desirable in many others. But nobody comes naturally equipped with this mastery. Standard written English has to be acquired, usually by formal education. Sadly, however, in recent years schools in most English-speaking countries have pulled back from teaching this material. As a result, even university graduates with good degrees often find themselves with a command of standard English that is at best inadequate and at worst distressing. This is not a trivial problem, since a poor command of the conventions of standard English will often make a very bad impression on those who must read your writing.(Robert Lawrence Trask, Say What You Mean!: A Troubleshooters Guide to English Style and Usage. David R. Godine, 2005)

Written English - Definition and Examples

Written English s Written English is the way in which the English language is transmitted through a conventional system of graphic signs (or letters). Compare to spoken English. The earliest forms of written English were primarily the translations of Latin works into English in the ninth century. Not until the late fourteenth century (that is, the late Middle English period) did a standard form of written English begin to emerge. According to Marilyn Corrie in The Oxford History of English (2006), written English has been characterized by relative stability during the Modern English period. See also: WritingAlphabetColloquializationFormal Style and Informal StyleKey Events in the History of the English LanguageLiteracyPresent-Day English (PDE)SpellingStandard EnglishWhat Is Standard English?What Is Writing? Early Written English [T]he vast majority of books and manuscripts produced in England before the invention of printing were written in Latin or (in later times) French. Administrative documents were not written in English in any number until the fourteenth century. The story of early written English is one of a local vernacular language struggling to achieve a distinct visual identity and written usage.(David Graddol et al., English: History, Diversity, and Change. Routledge, 1996)[A] new standard form of written English, this time based on the usage of London, began to emerge from the fifteenth century onwards. This was generally adopted by the early printers, who in turn provided a norm for private usage from the sixteenth century onwards.(Jeremy J. Smith, Essentials of Early English. Routledge, 1999) Recording Functions of Written English The history of writing in the English-speaking world reveals a balancing act between competing recording functions of the written word. While written English has always had a role in creating durable records that were never intended to be read aloud, the oral side of writing has been far more important than we tend to realize. Through most of the languages history, an essential function of writing has been to aid in subsequent representation of spoken words. Overwhelmingly, those spoken words have been formal in characterdrama, poetry, sermons, public speeches. ( . . . [B]eginning in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, writing developed a new set of quintessentially written functions with the emergence of newspapers and novels.)In the latter part of the twentieth century, a new twist was added, as writing increasingly came to represent informal speech. This time, there was no intention of later rendering such texts aloud. Gradually, we learned to write as we spoke (rather than preparing to speak as we wrote). As a result weve generally blurred older assumptions that speech and writing are two distinct forms of communication. Nowhere has this muddying of boundaries been more apparent than in the case of email.(Naomi S. Baron, Alphabet to Email: How Written English Evolved and Where Its Heading. Routledge, 2000) Writing and Speech When writing developed, it was derived from and represented speech, albeit imperfectly . . ..To affirm the primacy of speech over writing is not, however, to disparage the latter. If speaking makes us human, writing makes us civilized. Writing has some advantages over speech. For example, it is more permanent, thus making possible the records that any civilization must have. Writing is also capable of easily making some distinctions that speech can make only with difficulty. We can, for example, indicate certain types of pauses more clearly by the spaces that we leave between words when we write than we ordinarily are able to do when we speak. Grade A may well be heard as gray day, but there is no mistaking the one phrase for the other in writing.(John Algeo and Thomas Pyles, The Origins and Development of the English Language, 5th ed. Thomson Wadsworth, 2005) Standard Written English Standard or standardized written English (SWE). Its alive and well in our culture, but what does it mean? Many varieties of English get into print in various contexts, but standard doesnt refer to all of themnot even to everything published in mainstream books and magazines. It refers only to one slice of mainstream writingbut an incredibly important and powerful slice: the slice that people happen to call correct edited written English. When people champion Standard Written English, they sometimes call it proper or correct or literate writing. . . . [I]ts a language that is found only on paperand only in the texts of certain established writers, and its rules are in grammar books. So again: standardized written English (or prescriptive written English) is no ones mother tongue.(Peter Elbow, Vernacular Eloquence: What Speech Can Bring to Writing. Oxford Univ. Press, 2012)Unlike most other kinds of English, standard written English is strongly codified. That is, there is almost total agreement as to which forms and usages form part of it and which do not. . . .Mastery of standard written English is a requirement for many professions, and it is highly desirable in many others. But nobody comes naturally equipped with this mastery. Standard written English has to be acquired, usually by formal education. Sadly, however, in recent years schools in most English-speaking countries have pulled back from teaching this material. As a result, even university graduates with good degrees often find themselves with a command of standard English that is at best inadequate and at worst distressing. This is not a trivial problem, since a poor command of the conventions of standard English will often make a very bad impression on those who must read your writing.(Robert Lawrence Trask, Say What You Mean!: A Troubleshooters Guide to English Style and Usage. David R. Godine, 2005)

Written English - Definition and Examples

Written English s Written English is the way in which the English language is transmitted through a conventional system of graphic signs (or letters). Compare to spoken English. The earliest forms of written English were primarily the translations of Latin works into English in the ninth century. Not until the late fourteenth century (that is, the late Middle English period) did a standard form of written English begin to emerge. According to Marilyn Corrie in The Oxford History of English (2006), written English has been characterized by relative stability during the Modern English period. See also: WritingAlphabetColloquializationFormal Style and Informal StyleKey Events in the History of the English LanguageLiteracyPresent-Day English (PDE)SpellingStandard EnglishWhat Is Standard English?What Is Writing? Early Written English [T]he vast majority of books and manuscripts produced in England before the invention of printing were written in Latin or (in later times) French. Administrative documents were not written in English in any number until the fourteenth century. The story of early written English is one of a local vernacular language struggling to achieve a distinct visual identity and written usage.(David Graddol et al., English: History, Diversity, and Change. Routledge, 1996)[A] new standard form of written English, this time based on the usage of London, began to emerge from the fifteenth century onwards. This was generally adopted by the early printers, who in turn provided a norm for private usage from the sixteenth century onwards.(Jeremy J. Smith, Essentials of Early English. Routledge, 1999) Recording Functions of Written English The history of writing in the English-speaking world reveals a balancing act between competing recording functions of the written word. While written English has always had a role in creating durable records that were never intended to be read aloud, the oral side of writing has been far more important than we tend to realize. Through most of the languages history, an essential function of writing has been to aid in subsequent representation of spoken words. Overwhelmingly, those spoken words have been formal in characterdrama, poetry, sermons, public speeches. ( . . . [B]eginning in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, writing developed a new set of quintessentially written functions with the emergence of newspapers and novels.)In the latter part of the twentieth century, a new twist was added, as writing increasingly came to represent informal speech. This time, there was no intention of later rendering such texts aloud. Gradually, we learned to write as we spoke (rather than preparing to speak as we wrote). As a result weve generally blurred older assumptions that speech and writing are two distinct forms of communication. Nowhere has this muddying of boundaries been more apparent than in the case of email.(Naomi S. Baron, Alphabet to Email: How Written English Evolved and Where Its Heading. Routledge, 2000) Writing and Speech When writing developed, it was derived from and represented speech, albeit imperfectly . . ..To affirm the primacy of speech over writing is not, however, to disparage the latter. If speaking makes us human, writing makes us civilized. Writing has some advantages over speech. For example, it is more permanent, thus making possible the records that any civilization must have. Writing is also capable of easily making some distinctions that speech can make only with difficulty. We can, for example, indicate certain types of pauses more clearly by the spaces that we leave between words when we write than we ordinarily are able to do when we speak. Grade A may well be heard as gray day, but there is no mistaking the one phrase for the other in writing.(John Algeo and Thomas Pyles, The Origins and Development of the English Language, 5th ed. Thomson Wadsworth, 2005) Standard Written English Standard or standardized written English (SWE). Its alive and well in our culture, but what does it mean? Many varieties of English get into print in various contexts, but standard doesnt refer to all of themnot even to everything published in mainstream books and magazines. It refers only to one slice of mainstream writingbut an incredibly important and powerful slice: the slice that people happen to call correct edited written English. When people champion Standard Written English, they sometimes call it proper or correct or literate writing. . . . [I]ts a language that is found only on paperand only in the texts of certain established writers, and its rules are in grammar books. So again: standardized written English (or prescriptive written English) is no ones mother tongue.(Peter Elbow, Vernacular Eloquence: What Speech Can Bring to Writing. Oxford Univ. Press, 2012)Unlike most other kinds of English, standard written English is strongly codified. That is, there is almost total agreement as to which forms and usages form part of it and which do not. . . .Mastery of standard written English is a requirement for many professions, and it is highly desirable in many others. But nobody comes naturally equipped with this mastery. Standard written English has to be acquired, usually by formal education. Sadly, however, in recent years schools in most English-speaking countries have pulled back from teaching this material. As a result, even university graduates with good degrees often find themselves with a command of standard English that is at best inadequate and at worst distressing. This is not a trivial problem, since a poor command of the conventions of standard English will often make a very bad impression on those who must read your writing.(Robert Lawrence Trask, Say What You Mean!: A Troubleshooters Guide to English Style and Usage. David R. Godine, 2005)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Love ----One National Organization to combat Terrorism & Crime---- Assignment

Love ----One National Organization to combat Terrorism & Crime---- - Assignment Example At present, the country is considering the establishment of a national police force that will assist in the fight against terrorism and crime. Terrorism and crime threatens numerous facets of America, including the overall national security and the state of the economy. It has evolved into an increasingly transnational nature, and with the expansion of the internet and more open borders, the country is under attack both internally and externally. Terrorism and crime compromise national security while subsequently weakening the economy. As the years go by, America has been concerned with the increasing interactions between criminals and international terrorists. These expanded links and networks pose a threat to the country and increase its vulnerability to attack by terrorist groups with both financial and criminal capabilities. As a result, the country is debating whether to or not to merge all law enforcement agencies into one police unit that will combat these attacks. The consolidation of various law enforcement agencies into one national police organization may seem like a good idea, but it is not. The proponents argue that a national police force will improve communication and eradicate the confusion that is in the three government police levels, hence creating joint efforts to combat terrorism. However, this is not the solution. Instead, it presents a number of problems that will need to be addressed. The United States is a federation of several self-governing states, each subordinate to the federal government but with the power to formulate and enforce its own laws. Federalism is the foundation of the American government system and the creation of a national police force will not only violate this system, but also prove to be cumbersome and unmanageable. Each law enforcement agency in the United States is different in terms of authority, rules of engagement, training and procedures.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The impact of terrorism on tourism Literature review

The impact of terrorism on tourism - Literature review Example However, of late the terrorism activities have gained further dominance owing to its growing linkage to the tourism industry. Wilks, Pendergast and Leggat (2006) states in this regard that it is hard to uncover the reasons which have led to the growth of terrorism and its growing linkage to tourism activities. The tourism industry has become the target point for terrorism activities in the international scale owing to the slag of security and alertness. Tourists on tour tend to remain undeterred about the surrounding environment being lost in the fun of holidaying which becomes the target point of terrorist to easily lay their grounds upon. Wilks, Pendergast and Leggat (2006) further observe that the rate of infiltration of terrorist in tourism centers has also another potential reason other than the lack of alertness of the tourists. The functions of tourism mainly occur along the principal trade routes of any region. Thus the terrorists feel that attack on such trade and economic r outes would help in disrupting the economic activities of the region. Thus terrorist attacks on tourism helps in jeopardizing the trade and economic operations of a region making it poor. ... Any attack directed towards it would immediately result in loss of foreign revenue that will eventually weaken the economic position of the country and the government will in no time feel the brunt, running out of funds to carry out development of the nation. Wilks, Pendergast and Leggat (2006) also state that the growth of tourism industries of a region or country has increased its association with other industries like food and transport. Thus a spur in the terrorism activities linked with terrorism is bound to affect the potential industries of a region contributing to weakening of the economy. The linkage of terrorism operations with tourism industries can also be observed to be a potential factor that enables the terrorist outfits to gain considerable publicity. Tourist centers being largely linked with market places helps the terrorist gain wide amount of publicity having conducted a large massacre of human lives and property. It helps them reach their demands to the eyes and e ars of the higher authorities. It is also true that an attack against a group of foreign tourists even if futile would attract the global attention and put a question mark against the credibility of the government in maintaining law and order in the country and eventually might also put its reliability as a people’s body at a risk. Moreover each loss of life of foreign tourists might deteriorate the inter-nation relation and account to the loss of foreign allies. Finally, Wilks, Pendergast and Leggat (2006) state that the nature of the functions of tourism industry being so diversified and spread across international borders that it becomes difficult to trace the movement of terrorists inside hotels and tourist areas. People from

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Recruitment process and documentation at West Cheshire College Essay Example for Free

Recruitment process and documentation at West Cheshire College Essay Recruitment is the initial part of the human resources. The candidate for a specific job role needs to have all essential skills required in order to be successful. Recruitment department needs to make sure that they are getting right people for right position, they are monitoring staff constantly for any further developments and improvements as well as the department ensures that they are prepared to consider a better practice. The purpose of monitoring staff is to improve their performance and offer a training if it necessary. There are two main dynamic documents used in West Cheshire College – job profile and person specification. In order to make sure that the organisation has right people for right positions, both documents needs to be clear and be completed in a correct way. Layout of these documents is really similar and both are generally accepted tasks but the most important document is job description. Job profile is a brief summary of the job, which explains what tasks are involved, what is the purpose of this job and what are the duties and responsibilities of this position. Person specification is a statement of attributes required for a specific job role. These can be split into two sections essential and desirable. Person specification describes what qualifications, skills, experience, and approach the candidate needs to have. If the candidate has all of the attributes, this person is considered to be strong candidate and has more chances to become successful within this job role. Once the documentation is completed for any specific job role, the Human Resources department needs to start to think about advertisement of this job and when it comes to the ending date, they need to select few candidates which then are going to be invited for an interview. Yet again, these documents are used – interviewer will create questions upon the job profile and person specification and will complete a checklist of skills against person specification. If the candidate is successful, will get to know terms and conditions of the employment as well as any other important information about the organisation. Importance of employability, personal and communication skills in the recruitment process and retention of staff. There are many different factors to consider when the organisation decides to recruit new people or keeping current employees. All of them needs to have correct skills which match up the job description. Right candidate will have strong communication skills in order to communicate within the team or with the customers. If the candidate applies for a college officer position, he will deal with different enquiries from staff, learners and external contacts therefore it is really important that this person is able to communicate at very high standards and that the tasks are fully understood and carried out effectively. It is also important that the candidate is willing to undertake any training if required and is willing to develop personal skills and other attributes – this would possibly help to achieve their targets, and this shows that the candidate has strong employability skills. Retention of staff It is important that the organisation retain the staff who are doing their job correctly and are achieving their job targets. This is highly beneficial for any businesses – the staff is already fully trained, know exactly what are the job duties and responsibilities and they are able to resolve any problems much quicker. West Cheshire College retain highly qualified staff to ensure that the organisation is providing service at the highest standards. The organisation is doing so by offering: 1. training and development 2. free education 3. support 4. very good working conditions 5. fair rate of pay 6. staff discount 7. holidays

Thursday, November 14, 2019

African-americans Segregates Themselves :: essays research papers

The argument that African-Americans segregates themselves from other groups is not a valid argument. It is not partly because of history, since municipal ordinance in the early 1900's determined where African-Americans could live, which are now considered ghettos. A reason why this ordinance was in existence is because Chicago is an older city that grew during a time when racial struggles were occurring. This history is what gives Chicago a high index of dissimilarity, which means that there is a high level of segregation between races. There is a long history of segregation between whites and African-Americans in Chicago and thus the old ghettos were never integrated into the city and probably will never be. There are also illegal practices that occur today that were started when signs of discrimination became relevant in the early 1900's. In this era realtors would not show African-Americans houses in a white neighborhood, and if blacks were shown houses, the banks would not approve loans for the houses. Even today, blacks who live in a predominately white neighborhood are harassed and their houses are vandalized. The long history of discrimination, especially in Chicago, show that blacks don't segregate themselves, but instead other racial groups began segregating against them a long time ago, and still are today. 2) It would not be a very viable strategy to subsidize two retail stores in this region. First off in LA there are eleven suburban activity centers(SAC's) within 20 km of the CBD, as seen on MAP2. By definition activity centers contain a high concentration of retail stores. With a large portion of the area around the CBD being occupied by SAC's, which have a high concentration of retail stores, adding more stores would only lower the threshold population of the other stores and give the new stores a low threshold population. Adding two stores to this area will probably not bring in other stores like the city would like to see happen. As we saw with the Forest Fair mall example, the Cincinnati area already had a surplus of stores, when the new mall was created, there wasn't enough households to support the added stores. The city would like to see more stores come to the CBD, because this means more taxes and other amenities that go along with an enhanced image of successful retail stores. But eventually at least two stores would shut down, because of the deficit of households.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

As Long as Grass Grows or Water Runs Questions

Zinn Chapter 7: As Long as Grass Grows or Water Runs Questions 1. Chapter 7 deals immensely with the Native Americans and their survival based upon the government taking their lands. 2. Zinn showed the impact of the Indian removal by talking about the book Fathers and Children, which shows statistics of the matter. 3. When Thomas Jefferson was Secretary of State, he believed that the Indians should just be left alone. Once he became president, he wanted to remove the Indians. I believe he did this because he wanted to gain popularity.4. Andrew Jackson’s early political/military career foreshadowed his Indian policies as President because he was always was a tough and violent guy and hated the Indians since day one. Now, as president, he fully was pro-Indian removal and supported the bill to remove Indians.5. Zinn, unlike traditional histories, believes that it was no just a war against Great Britain for survival, but essentially a war for land to expand the country.6. Zinn’s view of Arthur Schlesinger’s The Age of Jackson and Marvin Meyers’ The Jackson Persuasion is that the books concentrate more on his political and economic accounts, not on his years battling the Indians. Both books make Jackson look like the good man; they don’t mention anything about him owning slaves and other heinous truths about him.7. Cherokees desired to fit into society. They began owning slaves an adopted Christianity as their religion.8. The purpose of Zinn stating that Jackson was declaring states’ rights for Georgia on the Cherokee question but attacking South Carolinas right to to nullify a federal tariff to show that Jackson wanted to stay popular9. The Trail of Tears was the removal of the Cherokee Indians by the government, from Georgia to Oklahoma.10. The significance of the phrase â€Å"As long as grass grows or water runs† means basically that it’ll never happen. Jackson had used this phrase on the Indians. He said that the Indians could have their land and that no settlers would steal it from them, but Jackson had lied to the Indians because there land was still taken.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Learning Skill Essay

?The attributes of the learners and how they can help the learners to be successful in an online learning environment Education of children is compulsory, formal and standardized. Adult learning is voluntary and intentional. The purpose of adult education is the independent self-directed learner. Adults tend to resist a learning process which is incongruent with their self-concept as autonomous individuals and does not correspond to their needs and interests. Adults focus on direct application. Given their daily duty in job, profession, family and community, they learn to cope with the pressures and problems of life they are facing. For that reason, the adult educator’s concern is primarily focused on the needs and interests of the learners. â€Å"Andragogy (adult education) calls for program builders and teachers who are person-centered, who don’t teach subject matter but rather help persons learn† (Knowles). Hence, the interests of adults are their real needs. Or the solutions learners have in mind do not solve their problems. The adult educator often has to register into a â€Å"needs negotiation† (Bhola) with learners when teaching new needs about boiled water or a balanced diet, about clean surroundings, preventive health practices or small families. In the dialectical process of needs negotiation the needs as felt by the learners and the needs as seen by the adult educators must be showed together to reach a consensus on the â€Å"real† needs. These real needs must agree to the experience of adult learners. If an adult gets the impression that his experience is not being valued he feels turned down as a person. New learnings take on meaning as adults are able to relate them to their life experience. Experienced adult educators, so, build into the design of their learning experiences provision for the learners to plan and rehearse how they are going to apply their learnings in their day-to-day lives or duties and combine training with transfer and application. A workshop then really can become a workplace where educational materials are produced or evaluation studies are designed. According to Knox’s proficiency theory the learning needs for an adult move upward from life situations and interpersonal communication. Social expectation motivates and empowers an adult to search for more knowledge, better expertness and more suitable performance. Adult learning is based on experience, on the learners’ own experience and on the experience of others. Learning settings of adults usually have a participatory and collaborative basic part. Adults prefer to meet as equals in small groups to explore outcome and concerns and then to take common action as a result of dialogue and inter-learning by discourse. The group becomes the â€Å"learning co-operative†. The group provides the opportunity for inter-learning. Within the group the teacher as well as the other group members plays the task of facilitators. All group members become â€Å"co-agents† (Bhola) in learning. The absence of formal accreditation or certification facilitates collaboration not only on a specific product or outcome but even in structuring and restructuring the learning process according to the needs and interests of the group. The learning process becomes as important as the learning outcome, and a balance between both is often not easy to maintain. How much freedom can actually be given to the adult learner in choice of content and way? Adult learning is life-centered. It is learning by doing, by application and experience, and if need be by trial and error. Adults do not simply to get knowledge created by outsiders, but should examine their own reality themselves and make a positive declaration about it. â€Å"Praxis† is the focus of effective adult learning and praxis means analysis and examination of reality in order to transform it. Adult learning is without interval process of investigation and exploration followed by proccess of doing something grounded in this exploration, followed by reflection on this action, leading to further investigation and so on. The principle is testing not â€Å"banking† (P. Freire) of knowledge. Exploration of new opinion, skills and knowledge take place in the context of the learners’ experience. In settings where skills are being learned, learners become acquainted with skills, apply these in real life settings, redefine hoe these skills may be altered by context, re-apply these in other settings and so on. Adults explained the meaning of ideas, skills and knowledge through the medium of their life-experience and test them in real life settings. To make the learner self-directed is the intention of adult education. But the self-directed learner is neither the one who can retrieve information or locate resources nor the one who appears in group dynamics. The â€Å"inner-directed, self-operating learner† (R. Kidd) is the one who reflects critically on his own assumptions and is keen to find alternative and better solutions. The learning process contributes largely to the success of learning. But learning is more than just the learning process. A participative learning process which fails to assist the learners in  acquiring knowledge and competence is a failure. A participative learning process may take more time because it means active involvement of everybody, discussing all the pro’s and con’s, despite that it must lead to concrete results combining commitment with competence. Education is, as Brookfield points out a â€Å"transactional encounters†. That means that the sole responsibility for determining curricula or for selecting appropriate methods does not rest either with the educator or with the learner. If the first acquires, then we have an authoritarian style and a one-way transmission of knowledge and skills. If curricula, methods and evaluative criteria become predetermined solely by what learners say they want, then the â€Å"cafeteria approach† governs the educational process. Accepting the felt needs logical basis without any further inquiry and needs negotiation means that the facilitator has to give up responsibility for the learning process and the accomplishment of learning aims and objectives. Successful learning especially in workshop settings means to keep the balance between the learning process and the learning outcome so that the results justify the efforts and if they are not excellent they should be at least and always â€Å"good enough†. Successful distance learners are self-motivated, self-reliant and self – disciplined. Distance learning students are the architects of their own learning surrounding, have the ability to manage their study time and schedule. Students can often customize their learning projects to fit their personal interests and there is great chance for personal growth and individual academic success. This requires both internal personal motivation and discipline, and also requires the establishment of a supportive personal learning environment and may require elimination of certain activities to make room for online learning in daily life. Distance learners should be self – sufficient, self-directed individuals. The online environment enables students to learn at their own pace, relieving some of the pressure of traditional seated learning and making learning more enjoyable but requires that the student is able to identify learning goals and objectives and focus their attention accordingly. Distance learners become independent problem solvers, doing their own research and expanding their lifelong learning skills. This process helps them to grow critical thinking skills and the ability to interpret and synthesize reading materials, articles and research papers with differing points of view and in the process develop their own positions and beliefs about the subject matter. Some computer and Information literacy is necessary for a distance learner. Distance learners should possess a working knowledge of email, the Internet, and basic keyboard skills. Instructional material within the learning management system will provide all the other skills needed to access and begin the online or distance lesson. Distance learners may be required to develop skills for researching and locating information from several sources and differentiate and assess them for inclusion in distance learning assignments and research projects. Distance learners should be energetic and disciplined managers of their own time. Students must be able to organize and plan their own best study schedule. While individual learners may prefer a different time of day or times in the week to give up to their distance learning study and projects, it is important to devote time each week to course work and it is vital that the distance learner understand that the same amount of time is involved in distance education courses, and traditional seated courses. The distance learner should assess his or her best time of day for study, either it is early morning or evening, every person has a best time of day for learning and thinking. A intentional effort must be made to carve out time in the student’s daily schedule for an optimal study time. Study time should not be the time that is left at the end of the day, unless that is the time when the student is most lively and attentive. All learners and especially distance learners need effective communication skills. The particular nature of distance education requires that communication be done in a written format, whether it is email, written assignments or discussion forums, the written word is vital in distance education. The ability to write clearly and communicate ideas becomes more important since it is the primary means of communication in distance learning. The successful distance learner has a strong sense of responsibility and personal commitment to academic success. Online learning, like many things in life, reaps rewards equal to the energy put into the changes. The independent nature of distance education to insist upon the presence of motivation, and discipline but commitment and follow-through are also vital.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fire Science Fair Project Ideas

Fire Science Fair Project Ideas Are you looking for a science fair project that involves fire or combustion? Here are some ideas for fire projects to get you brainstorming. What chemicals burn in different colors?What substances can mask the colors of flames?Which type of oil produces the least soot when it burns? You can collect soot (carbon black) by burning in a container and wiping it down between tests or by examining a filter paper (or coffee filter) placed in with the test oil.Analyze whether burning trash is a good alternative to landfills.Examine the effects of flame retardant chemicals on growing plants or on animals, such as insects or aquarium fish.Which common materials (e.g., paper, foam, cloth, vinyl) produce the worst smoke/air pollution when burned?Examine how controlled burning is used for forests and parks.Examine the effects of ash on soil composition.How does diminishing oxygen affect the appearance of a flame?Does it matter what type of wax is used to make a candle?Can you construct candles using liquid oils or other fuels besides wax? More Science Fair Project Ideas

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Characteristics of a Compelling Introduction

The Characteristics of a Compelling Introduction An introduction is the opening of an essay or speech, which typically identifies the topic, arouses interest, and prepares the audience for the development of the thesis. Also called an  opening, a lead,  or an introductory paragraph. For an introduction to be effective, says Brendan Hennessy, it should  persuade readers that what you have to say is worth close attention. Etymology From the Latin, to bring in. Examples and Observations In addition to appealing to readers and helping them to anticipate tone and substance, the opening passage can also help readers read by helping them to anticipate the structure of what will follow. In classical rhetoric, this was called the division or partition because it indicates how the piece of writing will be divided into parts. Methods of Introducing an EssayHere are a few possible ways to open an essay effectively:State your central idea, or thesis, perhaps showing why you care about it.Present startling facts about your subject.Tell an illustrative anecdote.Give background information that will help your reader understand your subject, or see why it is important.Begin with an arresting quotation.Ask a challenging question. (In your essay, youll go on to answer it.)Example of Introductory Paragraph in an Essay Bill Clinton loves to shop. On a March day in an elegant crafts store in Lima, the Peruvian capital, he hunted for presents for his wife and the women on his staff back home. He had given a speech at a university earlier and just came from a ceremony kicking off a program to help impoverished Peruvians. Now he was eyeing a necklace with a green stone amulet. Four Goals of IntroductionsAn effective introduction has four basic goals:Catch the audiences attention and focus it on your topic.Motivate the audience to listen by pointing out how your topic will benefit them.Establish credibility and rapport with your audience by creating a common bond and letting them know about your expertise and experience with the topic.Present your thesis statement, which includes clarification of your central idea and main points.Examples of an Introduction in a Speech The first thing I would like to say is ‘thank you.’ Not only has Harvard given me an extraordinary honour, but the weeks of fear and nausea I have endured at the thought of giving this commencement address have made me lose weight. A win-win situation! Now all I have to do is take deep breaths, squint at the red banners, and convince myself that I am at the world’s largest Gryffindor reunion. (J.K Rowling) Quintilian on the Appropriate Time to Compose an Introduction (or Exordium) ï » ¿I do not, on these accounts, agree with those who think that the exordium is to be written last; for though it is proper that our materials should be collected, and that we should settle what effect is to be produced by each particular, before we begin to speak or write, yet we ought certainly to begin with that which is naturally first. No man begins to paint a portrait, or mold a statue, with the feet; nor does any art find its completion where the commencement ought to be. Else what will be the case if we have no time to write our speech? Will not so preposterous a practice disappoint us? The orators materials are, therefore, to be first contemplated in the order in which we direct, and then to be written in the order in which he is to deliver them. Pronunciation in-tre-DUK-shun Sources Brendan Hennessy, How To Write Coursework and Exam Essays, How To Books 2010.Richard Coe,  Form and Substance: An Advanced Rhetoric. Wiley, 1981X.J. Kennedy et al.,  The Bedford Reader. Bedford/St. Martins, 2000Introduction to Its Not About Bill, by Peter Baker.  The New York Times Magazine, May 31, 2009Cheryl Hamilton,  Essentials of Public Speaking, 5th ed. Wadsworth, 2012J.K. Rowling, commencement address at Harvard University, June 2008Quintilian,  Institutes of Oratory, 95 AD

Sunday, November 3, 2019

How official sponsors have been affected by the activities of ambush Essay

How official sponsors have been affected by the activities of ambush - Essay Example This research will begin with the definition of ambush marketing. Crimmins and Horn define ambush marketing as the act in which a corporation takes advantage of a well known event like FIVA tournaments in football to popularize itself without an official permit from the concerned party. It is considered to be a form of marketing strategy in which one of the many competing companies associates itself with a particular sporting event, without paying the required fee. The company associates itself directly with the event and it’s participants without an official permit, creating an unfair competition with the official sponsors. The aim of the ambush marketing is to popularize their company by influencing fans to buy their products. They only associate themselves to the event but do not use trademarks of the third party while only suggesting a close connection to the event by creatively alluding themselves to that event. Generally, ambush marketing can be demonstrated in one of th e following ways such as through sponsorship of the event’s broadcasting. Lyberger and McCarthy concurs that this will work to their advantage since it will popularize itself among the fans through the televisions covering the event. Secondly, the ambush marketer might also sponsor the event’s subcategories and hence boosting their association through a cost-effective method. Another strategy ambush marketers employ is to buy time to advertise themselves during their competitors’ event. Furthermore they can as well organize for similar but non-sponsored events to run co-currently with the event. Finally, the ambush marketers can opt to buy licenses allowing them to sell their products during the event or offer unsanctioned tickets and hospitality packages to fans of the event. This paper discusses a case study of ambush marketing in India. Case Study Vikrant (2003, p.34) examines India as one of the many countries which have been affected by the activities of th e ambush marketers during the 2003 Cricket World cup. One of the cases was triggered by a promotion dubbed Phillips, which was offering Cricket World Cup tickets as prizes. The slogans that were used during the promotion indicated the name â€Å"Philips† and they urged interested candidates to buy an audio system from Philips and get one cricket world cup ticket (O’Sullivan and Murphy, 2000, p.366). In addition, the tickets indicated a seating place for someone and the entry number at the gate. This incidence caused a lot of suspicion since the Philips Sponsor had no official recognition among the sponsors of the event. Lyberger and McCarthy (2001, p. 134) explains that during that year the International Cricket Council (ICC) had signed official agreements with nine sponsors who were officially recognized. It came to the attention of the council that the sponsor calling itself Philips was not among the nine sponsors. Consequently, the council presented claims that the Philips Sponsor was trespassing and offering unfair competition to the recognized official sponsors. The sponsors of Phillips were an ambushing marketer and the council filed a suit restraining the sponsor from associating its advertisements to the world tournament (Vikrant, 2003, p. 38). However, this was a belated afterthought as the ambush had already caused a lot of damage to the official sponsors and stopping the adverts could not reverse its gains to Phillips. Matters were further complicated by the fact that a case presented to an Indian court by the council was dismissed on grounds that the information contained in the Philips Slogan was just a form of advertisement (Natal, p. 2003). According to the court, Philips was just looking for a way to attract many people to buy their products, which doesn’t amount to an infringement. It interpreted the information in the slogan as any person purchasing goods form Philips would be awarded a prize, only that the prize was the